Happy President's Day!
Many U.S. Presidents were wealthy but what is most remarkable is that many were large land owners.
Here is a list of a few wealthy presidents, and their net worth (figures are estimated in 2010 dollars). Notice that more than half of all the U.S. Presidents were large land owners.
| George Washington 1st President (1789 – 1797) Net Worth: $525 million Land Holdings: ±65,000 Acres Between 1747 and 1799 Washington surveyed over two hundred tracts of land and held title to more than 65,000 acres in thirty-seven different locations. “Land is the most permanent estate and the most likely to increase in value,” wrote a youthful Washington. |
| Thomas Jefferson 3rd President (1801 – 1809) Net Worth: $212 million Land Holdings: ±5,000 Acres Jefferson inherited 3,000 acres of land. Jefferson accumulated over 5,000 acres in Albemarle County, Virginia, including his home, called Monticello. |
| James Madison 4th President (1809 – 1817) Net Worth: $101 million Land Holdings: ±5,000 Acres With over 5,000 acres of land, Madison became the largest landowner in Orange County, Virginia. Yes, the $5,000 bill is real. They were intended for large cash transactions between banks and not for general circulation. |
| Andrew Jackson 7th President (1829 – 1837) Net Worth: $119 million Land Holdings: ±1,050 Acres Jackson’s home in Nashville, TN, The Hermitage, included 1,050 acres of prime real estate. |

9th President (1841)
Net Worth: $5 million
Land Holdings: ±3,000 Acres
Harrison inherited 3,000 acres near Charles City, Virginia. He was the oldest man (then 67) ever to assume office of the President and the first President to die in office.
| Stephen “Grover” Cleveland 24th President (1885 - 1889, 1893 – 1897) Net Worth: $25 million Land Holdings: N/A “No investment on Earth is so safe, so certain to enrich its owner, as undeveloped realty. I always advise my friends to place their savings in real estate near some growing city.” –Grover Cleveland |

26th President (1901 – 1909)
Net Worth: $125 million
Land Holdings: N/A
The Roosevelt family had a long, distinguished history in New York City and had earned its way into affluent social circles. More than seven generations of Roosevelts had been born in Manhattan, nearly all of them following the family profession to become businessmen and merchants. Most of the Roosevelt wealth, however, came from land holdings in and around New York City.
President Theodore Roosevelt was the youngest man (then 42) ever to assume the office of the President. During his term, he conserved more land than any other president. The land holdings of the United States went from approximately 43,000,000 acres to about 194,000,000 acres (a 400% increase).
“Every person who invests in well-selected real estate in a growing section of a prosperous community adopts the surest and safest method of becoming independent. For real estate is the basis of all wealth." - Theodore Roosevelt
| Franklin Delano Roosevelt 32nd President (1933 - 1945) Net Worth: $60 million Land Holdings: ±1,000 Acres Roosevelt owned properties in Georgia, Maine, New York, as well as the 800-acre Springwood estate in Hyde Park, New York. Franklin’s cousin, the 26th President, Theodore Roosevelt was a large advocate for land ownership as that is how Theodore’s family became wealthy. |

34th President (1953 – 1961)
Net Worth: $8 million
Land Holdings: ±200 Acres
Eisenhower did not inherit wealth. He purchased 189 acres in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
| John Fitzgerald Kennedy 35th President (1961 - 1963) Net Worth: $1 Billion Land Holdings: ±500 Acres John F. Kennedy’s father, Joe Kennedy, invested heavily in Manhattan real estate. Joe made over $100 million in New York real estate alone including the sale of some of the land where Lincoln Center, a 16.3 acre complex of buildings in the Lincoln Square neighborhood of |

36th President (1963 - 1969)
Net Worth: $98 million
Land Holdings: ±2,700 Acres
Johnson created a 2,700 acre ranch including accumulating over 1,500 acres in Blanco County, Texas, which included his home, called the Texas White House.
- James Monroe, 5th President (1817 - 1825)
- John Quincy Adams, 6th President (1825 - 1829)
- Martin Van Buren, 8th President (1837 - 1841)
- John Tyler, 10th President (1841 - 1845)
- James Knox Polk, 11th President (1845 - 1849)
- Zachary Taylor, 12th President (1849 - 1850)
- James Earl Carter, 39th President (1977 - 1781)
- Ronald Wilson Reagan, 40th President (1981 - 1989)
- George Herbert Walker Bush, 41st President (1989 - 1993)
There is no dispute that more millionaires have been made in real estate than in any other industry. However, most people only understand and invest in one type of real estate: Developed Real Estate (e.g. homes, condos, shopping centers, hotels, apartment buildings, etc.). The wealthy and ultra-affluent including some of the most powerful men to ever live, U.S. Presidents, have invested in land. In order to make greater returns with less risk, you have to do something the masses aren't doing, investing in land is just that!
Learn the Do's and Dont's of properly investing in land.