- a) A stage in the process of growing
c) Progressive development
Want to know the truth about investments? They are not all vehicles of growth, however, sadly they are marketed as so. Before we get into the finances of it all, it’s important to first start with the meaning of growth. When looking up the definition of growth it’s interesting to see that the first two definitions include the use of the word itself (i.e. growing). The third definition, progressive development, provides the most meaningful definition of the word.
When I think of progressive development, I think of the various stages that any healthy living thing goes through. For example, think of a newborn baby, progressively developing, into an infant, then toddler, preschooler, child, preadolescent, adolescent, adult, etc. The growth is one directional, for instance, not one day the baby is taller or more developed in some way and in the future shorter or somehow less developed. There are many other examples around us of progressive development like trees, animals, or any healthy life.

To learn more about how to secure your financial future with no-brainer growth assets be sure to attend our next event.