According to the U.S. Census Bureau a typical American will move 11 times in their lifetime. So let’s face it, moving is a normal part of life and one of the biggest steps in completing your move is to update your mailing address…ESPECIALLY if you own real estate. The top two reasons, and this isn’t in any particular order, to update your mailing address with the county for each property that you own are:
1.) You will not receive your tax bill/s if you do not update your mailing address for each property that you own. To be clear, you must fill out a Change of Mailing Address Form for each property that you own.
2.) You will not receive any vital inquiries about your property including offers. OUCH!!!!
1.) Download the Change of Mailing Address Form
Determine which county your property is located in and get the Change of Mailing Address Form for that county.
For your convenience here is the Los Angeles County Change of Mailing Address Form (click "Download" under ASSR-451) and the Riverside County Change of Mailing Address Form.
2.) Follow the instructions on the Change of Mailing Address Form and fill it out completely.
For your convenience, here are the LA County Change of Mailing Address Requirements.
If there are multiple owners of the property only one signature is required. Choose which owner will receive the inquiries and the tax bill and have him/her enter their information and sign it. The owner that receives the mail should immediately forward it via email or fax to all other owners.
If your property is owned by your Self-Directed IRA it must be signed by your self-directed IRA custodian not by you. If you happen to use Equity Trust Company (ETC) as your IRA custodian click here for a step-by-step guide on how to change your mailing address with ETC.
5.) It is absolutely necessary that you call the county at the number listed on the Change of Mailing Address Form and verify they received your Change of Mailing Address Form and have accurately updated your mailing information.
If you've never had to update your mailing address with the county, chances are you don't own any real estate and you're missing all of the fun! Don't wait, be sure to find out what you're missing.