Two months ago construction began on the CA HSR Fresno River Viaduct, a 1,600-foot long elevated bridge over the Fresno River, Highway 145, and Raymond Road. Other major construction like new underpasses at Tulare Street, Ventura street, and Highway 180, and overpasses over The San Joaquin River, Union Pacific Railroad, Golden State Boulevard, and Highway 99 are expected to start this summer. Soon construction will begin on the rail section between Fresno to the Tulare/Kern County Line. “By the end of the summer, you won’t be able to go anywhere in the Valley without seeing people in orange vests and green shirts hard at work,” said Jeff Morales, CEO of the CA HSR Authority

The Palmdale to downtown Los Angeles (LA) Union Station route (through Burbank) is expected to be completed by 2028. Currently Metrolink trains run 10 trips from Palmdale to LA daily (in addition to 10 trips from LA to Palmdale) that take about 1 hour 45 minutes each way. The CA HSR Palmdale to LA route, the same segment Metrolink trains run today, is expected to cut travel time down to 27 minutes each way with trains leaving as frequent as every 5 minutes during high-peak hours.
Yes, there have been delays as with any massive construction project. Yes, the CA HSR is controversial as with any other high price-tag item in history. Yes, the CA HSR will continue to face opposition. Yes, some believe the CA HSR may never be completed. Yes, there may be better alternatives to HSR.
Don’t be distracted by the aforementioned. Consider this, many of the areas the CA HSR has been selected to stop is not because the CA HSR Authority wants to stimulate or create growth in those areas. The CA HSR is stopping there because the growth of those cities are already present and to avoid connection to those areas simply wouldn’t make sense. Thinking from a macro perspective, let's forget about any one project no matter how large, clearly understand that large projects are developed in growth areas not in the middle of nowhere. Investing in high-growth areas will bring unbelievable profits to those that do so, regardless of any one project. Seriously, don’t wait, learn how to profit from high-growth areas before it’s too late!